I’ll try to blog more

Every once in a while, I publish some posts on the Fediverse (taylan@feministwiki.org or taylan@fedi.feministwiki.org; both should lead you to the same account) which I put a ton of effort into. The Fediverse server of the FeministWiki uses Pleroma and allows 5000 characters, or even more if I change the configuration, so often you’ll see me publish a post which had a lot of effort go into it.

But then those posts get lost in the endless stream of shitposting I unleash into the Fediverse: trollish arguments with right-wing people or misogynist trans activists, stupid jokes I come up with, memes I find on the Internet, cat photos and so on.

So I thought, why not just publish my more serious posts as blog entries? In the past I’ve had this attitude towards blogging as something where I’d try to craft a well-written article of sorts, but it doesn’t need to be like that.

Maybe I’ll create a tag or category on my blog for “featured articles” or such; the ones which I’ve put particularly high amount of effort into. Other than that, I’ll try to publish smaller entries from now on, which are copies of longer Fediverse posts and such.

That’s it. That’s the blog post. I already feel a compulsion to make this longer and revise my wording and whatnot. Need to overcome that mentality.